Assalammualaikum And Great Day,
Date : twenty six .. zero six .. two thousand and thirteen..
Time : four fifty PM..
Location : Subway WangsaWalk , Kuala Lumpur..
With : Iqbal Eumura's , My love Nurin Saffa
Today was first day of me and Nurin Saffa first date since we been in special relationship..
So like usual we met at wangsawalk bowling center cause pada mulanya niat nak lawan bowl
dengan sayang , but tak ada rezeki sebab bowling center dah macam sardin tin ramai..
Then we decided nak pergi makan kat Subway Station , ingatkan nak belanja sayang makan
but she said she already eat *makan roti je sebab tengah diet* hahaha.. After that we were
just lepaking at Subway Station until 5.45 pm , and cerita benda yang sama jugak setiap kali
kiteorang jumpa and im so sorry sebab buat sayang malu tadi... hahahaha.. sedar tak sedar
masa cepat je berlalu , then we have a walk from Subway Station to Math Clinic
Wangsamaju.. eh eh sempat lagi i have a snap of picture with my sayang and gambarnya
ada di bawah tu haa sweet bhai.. hahaha.. then we arrived at Wangsamaju Math Clinic Center and sayang paksa me and iqbal masuk , hahahaha.. then before sayang head off to her class
she said "sayang masuk kelas dulu dah pukul 6 ni , take care bye i love you" but i can't heard
what sayang said clearly because the boys beside me were to noisy -.- and balik je rumah
sayang text , she said that my face was out of mood just now when she wanna head off to
her class but seriously i was okay that time maybe my face look like i'm out of mood because
waktu tu tengah kira berapa yuran sebenarnya.. hahaha xD i'm so so so sorry sayang!
what the fish , i didn't realized i've been type so many word up there.. hahahaha..
So maybe i'll stop here and in sha allah i'll post a new entry tomorrow.. okay then ,
Bye , Have a blast life you all..
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